Op maandag 26 juni zal OptimaalWifi een geplande update uitvoeren bij geselecteerde klanten die gebruik maken van UniFi producten én een onderhoudscontract hebben.
De update kan volledig via de cloud uitgevoerd worden. Grote voordeel is dat er geen afspraak op locatie gemaakt hoeft te worden, hetgeen de kosten minimaal houdt, wat zich vertaald in zeer aantrekkelijke onderhoudscontracten. Bovendien kunnen deze updates op een moment worden doorgevoerd, als er weinig traffic in het netwerk is, oftewel, als uw onderneming gesloten is of minimaal bezet.
Update 3.7.58
Deze firmware update voegt toe:
- [UAPG3] Fix guest portal when bonding is enabled.
- [UAPG3] Various stability, performance and backend improvements.
- [UAPG2] Add QBSS Load IE.
- [UAPG2] Add ramoops support to save kernel crashes in high memory.
- [UAPG1/G2] 2.4G performance improvements.
- [UAPG1] Fix for initialization issues on AR724x/QCA933x based UAPs.
- [UAPG1] Fix issue with missing ca-certs package on some models.
- [EDU] Fix an issue with EDU app not playing streams on 5.4.x.
- [EDU] Fix bug where baresip wouldn’t properly update.*
- [ACIW] Fix so the port is not on any VLAN if it is disabled.
- [ACIW] Implement per port VLAN control.*
- [UAP] Fix an issue with hotspot portal when using broadcast/multicast filter.
- [UAP] Various backend improvements.
- [UAP] Add DFS event alerts.*
- [UAP] Fix a bug in the rate control algorithm.
- [UAP] Fix Termination-Action so it behaves as per RFC3580.
- [USW] Fix an issue with the forwarding database counters.
- [USW] Add IGMP header checking settings.*
- [USW] Fix some code that prevented manual reboot requests from working as expected in some cases.
- [USW] Increase CLI lines for pagination from 24 to 36.
- [USW] Shutdown all ports before switch reboot, to prevent unncessary broadcast storms.
- [USW] Gracefully reboot switch after successful firmware update.
- [USW] Add LLDP info support.
- [HW] Increase logging for firmware upgrade.*
- [SEC] Security improvement from HackerOne report.